This is the holy grail for Search Engine Optimization,SEO,In Kenya: The Google "Instant" alphabet - Arsenal ... B is for BBC Sports...

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This is the holy grail for Search Engine Optimization,SEO,In Kenya: The Google "Instant" alphabet - A is for Arsenal... B is for BBC Sports...

I decided to take Google's new “Instant Search”  one-finger search for a test drive. I was pleasantly surprised ( and much vindicated) when i realised that most Kenyan's using  Google Kenya get Arsenal as the first result when they key in the letter A into the search field.
That is the most branded kenyan search item starting with the letter A, searched on,that the first result that pops up is ARSENAL (that's right, you haters) not Man U (he he)
It is now official that a brand that is called up by Google Instant, on the very first four rows of the letter, is now the golden crown for search engine optimization (SEO).
Here are the golden crowns for SEO in Kenya.

A is for Arsenal, Arsenal News, Avira Updates, Acca and Acess Kenya

B is for BBC Sports, BBC, BBC News,Baddo and Brighter Monday.

C is for CNN,Capital FM,Central Bank of Kenya and Career Point Kenya

D is for Daily Nation, Dictionary, DHL,Daily Nation e-paper and Day Star University.

E is for Equity Bank, Eastandard, Emirates, Eabl and Ebay.

F is for you guessed it Facebook,Facebook Login, Funny Quotes,Fifa and Funny Jokes.

G is for Gmail, Goal,Google Maps, Google Earth and Games.

H is for Helb, Hotmail, HP, Hinari and Hope Fm.

I is for IIEC,Idm, Itunes, Inspirational Quotes and ICPAK

J is for Jobs in Kenya, JKUAT, Jokes, Jobs and JetLink

K is for KRA, Kenya Airways, Kasneb, Kenyan Jobs and Kenyatta University.

L is for Love Qoutes, Love Poems, Love Messages,Love SMS and Lyrics.

M is for My African Career, MSN, Moi University,Mail, and a verry distant sixth Manchester United (te he he)

N is for Nation Newspaper,Nation, NHIF,NSE and Nairobi University.

O is for Orange Kenya, Opera,Octopus,Online Bible and Orange.

P is for Paul the Octopus,Piratebay, Public Service Commision of Kenya, PSC and Paypal.

Q is for Quoutes, Qeep, Queen Jane,Quote of the Day and Qatar Airways.

R is for Reliefweb, Referendum Results,Reuters,Real Player and Report Writing Jakom Raila is Number 10

S is for Safaricom, Skype,Standard Newspaper, Soccernet and Standard.

T is for Twitter, Tagged, The Sun, The Standard and Telkom Kenya.

U is for University of Nairobi, Uon, USIU,Un Jobs and Utorrent.

V is for Vlc, Vision 2030,Virgin Atlantic, Vuvuzela and Vuze

W is for,,,, and

X is for Xe, XYZ, XYZ Show,Xampp and XML.

Y is for Yahoo. Yahoomail, Youtube, Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Sign In.

Z is for Zain, Zain Kenya, Zuku, Zetech College and Zain Kenya Careers.

If you can get your brand into the one-letter list you are golden. This is now the holy grail of SEO.

The other issue about crafting an accurate portrait of the psyche of the average kenyan Netizen as per the results of the top ten letter

searches will follow in the next series of articles, watch this space, this sure will make for interesting shrinking and detective work,

By the way which words do you search the most on google. Feel free to post a comment.