Suprise.Exe Has Resurfaced Again In Your Facebook Inbox-Here Is How To Deal With It.

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Security Update :-Good Facebook people there is malware doing the rounds that pops into your inbox from someone you know and that you may hold in high esteem. It say's "I got u surprise with a link pointing to a a non existent blogger blog (e.g akksjjuus dot blogspot dot com) which if clicked on redirects you to a site called surprise something dot blogspot dot com.

A Snap Shot Of How The Message Looks Like.

Which has a an interface that is a clone of these facebook apps where someone sends you a kiss, gift or whatever it is (i.e it preys on your familiarity with those harmless apps) you are then lured to click on a big beautifully wrapped gift package. DO NOT!! click on that on that image, as it will download an executable .exe file called surprise.exe which will mash up your computer.

It hacks into your contacts folder in FB and Other mail services replicating itselff and sending itself to all your contacts. Ishindwe!! simply ignore it. I have just received and I thought it prudent to warn you good people in advance.  you fell for it and inadvertently clicked on it thus downloading that nasty piece of malware, don't despair for it is never too late just follow this link for a solution. Have a malware/trojan/virus free MMXI. Good day to you all. 

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